Valentine's Day card and gift inspiration for Pagans and Wiccans

Valentine's Day card and gift inspiration for Pagans and Wiccans

Tags: pagan | valentines-day

Finding the perfect Valentine's Day card or gift for the Pagan or Wiccan in your life isn't always easy, but this is what we're here for! Many of our artists are Pagan or Wiccan themselves and therefore know exactly what other pagans will love. So browse our Valentine's Day cards and gifts and buy something perfect for the love of your life :)

Valentine's Day cards for pagans 

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Valentine's Day gifts for pagans

[See more Valentine's Day gifts ]

A symmetrical design. Two red foxes sit facing each other, noses touching and tails entwined. Surrounding the foxes are two green, leaved branches which form the two halves of a heart shape. A single bluebell flower hangs behind each fox. The background is a mottled blue.
A man and woman embrace in a kiss. They appear to be an extension of a landscape of fields and golden misty mountains. Their bodies form above a wealth of flowers and leaves in place of legs; ivy for the man, flowers for the woman. Branches appear to flow out from their heads, golden in the sunshine. Birds perch in the branches.
A symmetrical design. Two red foxes leap down towards one another, their noses touching where they meet. Their oversized tails arch over their heads and backs, and meet in the middle. A Celtic-style purple swirly design with green ivy leaves at the four corners, and beneath their noses, wraps around them. The background is a mottled green.
A symmetrical illustration of two ravens facing to the left and right, and away from each other. Below them on the left, middle and right, are three red roses surrounded by leaves. To the left and right, and above, two rose buds are surrounded by prickly curled stems.

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