Two new pagan/fantasy cards by Corrina Rockley

Two new pagan/fantasy cards by Corrina Rockley

Tags: fantasy-art | green man | pagan

We spotted these two lovely cards by Corrina Rockley when we were restocking the other day and thought they might be appreciated! Fun and whimsical, and a bit of a break from all that's happening in the world. We hope they make you smile:) (In stock now, should you be tempted!) 

The Green Man

"The Green Man is Lord of the Greenwood, ancient forests of ancestral myth. He is living foliage, springing fully formed from leaves, plants and vines, the symbol of primeval nature and the creative spirit within all that grows upon the earth."

Fairy Glade

"The Spring Maid gathers flowers in the Wildwood for the May Eve Bridal garland. As she steps across a stream, unawares, she enters the magical otherworld where a nature spirit reveals it it she who will become May Queen that night."

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